Day Late, Dollar Short

Hopefully none of you noticed, but my Cafe post this morning went the way my Nano novel has been going: slow, short, and late.

Although here it is now. Better late than never, right?

I’ve realized I’m juggling a lot more this year than I have in previous years – including school and a relationship, both of which are time consuming things.

I haven’t quite found the right balance of time for everything. Unfortunately, that means everything is suffering slightly – school, relationship, sleep, and wordcount.

It makes me sad to have to choose one thing over another, but I think my wordcount might have to continue to suffer while I apply some pressure to the other places my life is hemorrhaging.

I’ll get caught up one of these days, though. I still have half of the month left to get back on track. With my insanely supportive co-ML Christie, and my amazing fellow Confabulators, I will make it through this month with my life in tact (if not my sanity).


2 responses to “Day Late, Dollar Short”

  1. Ashley Poland Avatar

    I totes noticed. Only because I spent all day going, “Whoa, where are the posts today?”

  2. Ted Boone Avatar
    Ted Boone

    I no ticed you tur ned “intact” in to two words. That’s the Na No spi rit in you, in sisting on more words. Go od on you! Ke ep it up!

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