Tag: week 3

  • Writer’s Log, Day 19

    Guess what! I found a plot!

    Guess what! I broke the Wednesday curse!

    Guess what! Yeah me too. I’d also like to know what comes next.

    I managed to write a solid 1800 words today progressing the plot in a direction I’m mostly pleased with. Yay! I’m managing to stay on par (barely) but for the first time in my NaNo career, I’ve had days where I ended below par.

    I don’t like it.

    Like, seriously. This year is hard, y’all.

    I procrastinated on writing this and it’s late at night and I’m tired so…

    Captain out. Keep with the wording.

  • The Magical Week Three

    Last week I talked about how my word count would have to suffer while I put the rest of my life back in order.

    Well most things are now ordered, so I am pushing hard to get back on track with word count. With Turkey Day being this week, I’ll have both down time and busy time, so I should be able to keep on pace.

    I am a little terrified, however, because I just got my final exam for my grammar class, and it’s due by December 3rd. And it looks HARD.

    Anyways. That’s where I’m at in life and word count. Let’s talk about much more pleasant things. Like where I’m at in my story.

    I just have to say, that regardless of the year, the third week of Nanowrimo always ends up being magical. My story is picking up speed. The words are easy to write. My characters are developing themselves. Unexpected plot twists emerge in each word sprint. This. The things that start to happen in Week Three are what I love about being a writer.

    It just takes two weeks of hammering your head against a wall to get to this magical point.
