Tag: procrastination

  • Motherhood Makes for Great Horror

    Remember how last week I said we’d talk about how writing in a real-life historical setting was hard? That was a lie. I have nothing to say about it that someone with, y’know, actual experience hasn’t already said. Instead, I want to talk about the specific sort of horror that comes with motherhood.

    My main character is a pregnant woman who has previously experienced a stillbirth, and I’ve enjoyed mining the horrors of pregnancy and birth to compliment the supernatural horror in the story. I feel like the very real nature of one lends weight to the fictional nature of the other.

    I usually try to be egalitarian when referring to the work and stress of parenthood, because a lot of the it is experienced more-or-less equally by both sexes. Both parents (and stepparents, aunts/uncles, grandparents, etc) experience the loss of identity, lack of sleep, fear of physically or emotionally damaging another human beyond repair, the anxiety of the world around you doing it even if you don’t, etc. And I do think that playing on those fears in my story is interesting.

    But motherhood as an experience of building and carrying a baby has some special layers of horror that non-carrying parents don’t personally experience. I will sum up the most obvious with this gif:

    Pregnant Woman, Baby Kicks Glass

    My fascination with mixing the body horror of pregnancy with the holy-shit-elation that comes with having a baby isn’t new. Back in 2012 I wrote a piece of m-preg (yeah, fight me) that culminated in the magic wearing off (long story) and both the father and baby dying. (Except not! Because angels fixed it. Supernatural-ex-machina for the win.) Writing the sequences wherein the main character was in the process of dying traumatically were fascinating.

    That said, while I have a weird fascination with the body horror — it’s easy. The hard stuff is psychological. Having a baby will fuck you up mentally. Something like 10% to 20% of mothers suffer from postpartum depression or worse. In particular, I’ve been reading about postpartum psychosis — wherein women have hallucinations and many other symptoms, and can ultimately end up harming themselves and their child.

    What does all of this have to do with my NaNoWriMo project?

    Right, so, I’m 4,000 behind par as of this morning. It’s… well, it’s week two. I’ve fallen down a bit of a rabbit hole in my novel. I have two important subplots, one I’d planned and one that’s sort of fallen into my lap.

    The first in instrumental to the plot. My main character, Nora, is a rich man’s second wife — his first wife died “in an accident” ten years previous, which tragically also killed their newborn son. Nora comes to learn throughout the story that the “accident” was that she leaped off the roof of their home, believing something to be coming for her and the baby. I was telling August last night that this subplot is interesting to write, because Nora unfolds this bit by bit, thinking that the woman’s death was caused by the supernatural. However, I want to unfold in such a way that the reader can see the truth: Amelia was just very sick and not getting the help she needed because her family didn’t want to overreact.

    The second came in one of those day-one scenes: my main character goes to visit a casual friend who has newborn twins, and is obviously (to the reader) suffering from PPD. Recognizing this in her friend, and trying to find a way to help is one of the first autonomous steps Nora takes in the story.

    Unfortunately, I’m having trouble digging out of that second subplot and getting to the actual plot of the novel. The further I get into this portpartum mental illness plot, the more I start to get overwhelmed by imagining the scope of my edits. I was telling my friends the other day that I’ve never successfully edited a novel, and the more I look toward that inevitable end-point for a story I really like, the more I shrink back.

    So tonight, I need to go back and find the spot where I diverged away from “Nora decides to get her daughter back,” because she’s too far from that plot. I think once I get back into the main plot, I can recover better.

    I’ll report back in a week and let you know how it went.

  • Making Time

    Have you ever had an overpowering urge to do something at the expense of everything else in your life? If you have, then you’ll know how I feel about writing… well, at least about two percent of the time. The rest of the time writing almost seems like it comes in last place of my priorities. That’s why I frequently feel like I have to make the time to write.

    Shhh, don’t tell Belgarath the Sorcerer that I’m making time! He’d start lecturing me on the dangers of messing with magic that is way over my head! It’ll be our little secret. Seriously though, if I could fit extra hours into the day, I would, consequences be damned. There simply isn’t enough time to do everything that I need, or want, to do.

    It’s not that I don’t want to write, it’s just that there are so many other things I could be doing. I have friends that want to spend time with me. I have to go to work. There are TV shows I have to watch so that I can fangirl over them with my friends when I spend time with them. There are books to read. There are rooms to be cleaned and dinners to be made. And by the time I’m done with all of that, all I want to do is curl up with a glass of wine before going to bed. (more…)

  • Writing is Simple but Not Easy

    The number of times I’ve sat down to write this blog and failed made me realize that basically everything about writing is difficult.

    The hardest thing about writing for me is just sitting down to do it.

    It’s like exercise. You know you need to do it. You know once you do it you’ll feel better and that it’ll be fun once you get into it. You know the results are worth it.

    But that doesn’t always mean that you’ll do it.

    It’s hard to get started but it’s also hard to make the time, stay focused on a project and see it through to the end.

    Of course I love to write, but you’d never know it sometimes. Given the choice, I will come up with a million other things to do instead. If I know I need to write, suddenly there are chores that need doing and errands that need running. Books to read or TV shows to catch up on.

    Because putting it off is easy. All the rest is hard.


  • Writer’s Obstacle Course

    Chapter 1…

    *blinking cursor*

    First sentence, first sentence. Let’s see. Hmm. It’s got to be grabby. My main character has to be in the middle of something, something crazy and chaotic. Well, I can clearly see her in my head, rushing around with pillows and blankets, her house overrun by needy supernatural creatures of all sorts.

    All sorts? That’s kind of vague. Let’s take a minute and figure out all the different creatures and why they’re there.

    I need to organize this. Where are my index cards?

    *stares at pile of blank index cards.*

    It’s too soon to write anything down in permanent ink. Where’s my white board?

    Is it really ten already? I haven’t eaten anything yet. I should eat. I can’t think when I’m starving.

    Holy hell, that’s a lot of dishes. Well, I can’t do them until I empty the dishwasher.

    God, I’m so hungry. What’s in the fridge?

    Gross. I have to clean this out. There’s no real food, just a bunch of leftovers that need to be thrown out. I should clean out the fridge so I can go to the grocery store and buy real food.

    The trash can is full. Have to take out the garbage before I can empty out the fridge. Also, with all the dishes in the sink, I hate to add to it with the gunky containers after I throw out the leftovers.

    I’ll eat later. First, I should pee.

    While I’m in here, I should take a shower. The bathtub really needs to be cleaned. I could do that while I’m in it.

    If I shower, I have to get dressed afterwards. Do I have any clean clothes? Technically, yes. But they’re still in the washing machine from two days ago. Probably should run the washer again to freshen them up.

    No reason to shower, I guess, if I don’t have anything to put on.

    Crap. Is it Friday? I thought it was Thursday. I have to write a blog post. I’ll do that real quick. It’s already late. Then I have to post the link on Twitter and Facebook.

    Oooh, I just thought of a perfect first sentence!

    Chapter 1…

    *blinking cursor*

    I am so hungry.