Cat pegged the young man as a sucker even as he approached the gate to the Magic City. He’s my mark for sure, she thought, regarding his honest face. Then he opened his mouth and removed all doubt.
“You can’t come in without life insurance,” the guard said to the honest-looking farm boy.
“Life insurance, pal. You want to seek your fortune? You gotta be insured. Otherwise, you better go back to the provinces.” The guard paused. “Actually,” he said in a softer voice, “You’d be safer if you did go back.”
The young man looked so darn lost and sweet and innocent that most decent folk would feel compelled to help him.
Dammit, thought Cat. Now everyone’s going to target him.
She moved fast. She clipped toward him on her four-inch high heels, hoping the kid fancied girls. Cat’s looks were her third greatest asset. (more…)