Welcome to NaNo. This is my second from the trenches post for the season. What? You didn’t see my first post? It must have been a 404 error. I swear I wrote it. No! Really!
Okay, so this is actually my first post because while I remembered to write it last week, it was never on the day it was supposed to go live. You’ll forgive me for forgetting, right? NaNo is all about being a scatterbrain after all.
Last Wednesday was the day that kicked off week two for me. Last Wednesday I hit the first of the Idunwannas the first of the writingisstupids. That’s what happens when you’re ahead of word count, you hit the dreaded blues ahead of schedule.
But don’t worry, by Monday I’d pulled myself out of my funk. Only to fall into it again this morning. Because, in case you were wondering, Wednesdays are apparently an evil pit of word suckage.
Today I’m here to tell you that writing is the actual worst. But it’s okay, because not every day is a Wednesday. Some days are Tuesdays… and Tuesdays are awesome for the word count. I just have to not fall terribly behind before my next Tuesday.
But hey, I’m 20k in and only just about to get my character out the door on her quest, so at least I know I have the plot left to see me through the end of the month!